JUNE 1931 - JUNE 1932 


Jerry Daniels - tenor voice, ukelele, tenor guitar

Charlie Fuqua - baritone/tenor voice, guitar, tenor banjo

Marv Goldberg suggests this group formed around 1930 when Jerry and Charlie decided to leave the unnamed coffee pot band, that also included Bernie Mackey, and turn professional [Goldberg, More Than Words Can Say, 1998, p. 5].

The first reference to them that we have found is for a WKBF radio broadcast on 19Jun/31 [Indianapolis News, 19Jun/31]. From 19Jun/31 to 28Jun/32 we have found 135 broadcasts over WKBF and there were probably others. At times they were broadcasting almost daily. For example, they made 30 broadcasts in April of 1932. All of these shows were for 15 minutes and sometimes they would have two shows on the same day.

They apparently performed in vaudeville including, a Midwest tour with the Whitman Sisters show, but we have not been able to find proof of any appearances. Since the last radio appearance on 28Jun/32 we have found no further performances by this group. The next performance by Jerry and Charlie will occur in Cleveland where they formed a trio with Deek Watson and broadcast on WHK as the Gates Brothers in October/33.


Charlie Fuqua (left) and Jerry Daniels

New information on this group would be greatly appreciated.

Revised 9March/18