

Orville Jones

Mifflin Campbell

Leonard Reed

Willard Hamby, pianist (added about May/31)

We believe it was in the spring of 1931 that "Jones and Campbell" added Leonard Reed in Indianapolis and became a trio called the "Three Peanut Boys".

Information on when and how the trio moved from Indianapolis to Cincinnati has never been found. We know that Leonard Reed was still performing on his own in late 1930 and early 1931. For example, he was billed as Master of Ceremonies for shows at the Walker Theatre in Indianapolis in November, 1930 and February, 1931. [Indianapolis Recorders of 15 & 22 Nov/30 and 7Feb/31]

The only radio broadcast we have found was on 13May/31 over radio station WFBE (Cincinnati) at 6:30 P.M. for one-half hour but there may have been more broadcasts with newspaper listings showing only black male trio [Cincinnati Enquirer, Radio listings, 10May/31].

A very short note in the Pittsburgh Courier with a byline, " Cincinnati, O., May 21" reports that Willard (Lord) Hamby is now the pianist for the act known as "The Peanut Boys" [23May/31]. The note names Reed, Campbell and Jones and indicates that their act consists of singing and dancing. It also states that, "They are now broadcasting over station WFBE."

We do know that "Jones and Campbell" continued to perform sometime after "The Three Peanut Boys" performed but only have one known appearance on Monday, 21Dec/31, at the Walker Casino in Indianapolis. [Indianapolis Recorder, 19Dec/31]

The addition of a pianist suggests "the Three Peanut Boys" may have had some success but it would be helpful to have more information about where and how long this group performed and how /when Reed left the trio and it reverted to a "Jones and Campbell" duet.

The "Three Peanut Boys" - Mifflin Campbell, Leonard Reed and Orville Jones

Revised 13Mar/18